Anarcho-Capitalism (optional material, p. 15)
Some anarcho-capitalists may contend that the limited government described herein does not differ materially from their own anarchistic model. On a concrete level, a proper government might closely resemble the kind of justice agency that many anarcho-capitalists envision and believe that they are advocating. In reality, however, their position does not allow for a logically coherent mechanism by which freedom and justice can be defended against aggressors. In practice, the idea of anarchy therefore leads to something very different from the world imagined by these utopians.

The form of limited government developed in this course, it should be understood, was not adopted arbitrarily. Rather, it assigns to government the one and only governmental function that is consistent with human rights—and hence the only function by which government can produce objective value (pp. 5.2:65-6). Furthermore, since limited government as described here operates as the ultimate arbiter of the use of force within its territory, it clearly falls within our definition of the concept government, which we derived by objectively examining the functions of real-world governments (pp. 5.2:2-5).

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