In order to create loyalty, it is necessary to confuse the conscripts as to their own true interests. Just as religion helped to subdue slaves into submission in the old South, conscripts (or potential conscripts) are frequently brought into subservience by a fictitious notion of "patriotism," which is never clearly defined. In addition, conscripts are systematically encouraged to subjugate any sense of self to the collective "good" of the larger military unit.

Conscription also creates major economic costs, by disrupting careers and deflecting labor from private markets. Although the greatest costs are borne by the conscripts, the economic consequences of the policy propagate throughout the economy. Furthermore, conscription conceals much of the true cost of warfare, making it easier for governments to engage in aggressive or questionable military ventures with less public opposition.


Taxation is the seizure by a government of a human being's property. As we have seen (pp. 4.5:13-5), property is obtained through a human being's action. Even wealth acquired through investment requires that one allocate resources that one has acquired through previous action to productive projects, deciding to forego the benefit of time preference in order to obtain a greater return in the long run.      Next page

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